I imagine it seems a little silly to some people, to reference the ocean when it doesn’t actually seem relevant to my location.  But there were several reasons it worked in my mind, and one of them is the deep love I have always held of the ocean.  There’s something so exhilarating about waves crashing in to the shore, and growing up on the west coast the ocean is so active here.  We get the waves that have built up over the huge Pacific Ocean crashing into our shores and the results can be pretty spectacular.

Additionally, I have spent some time sailing at sea and even captained my own vessel.  So when I think  of the ocean, I have memories of being there and personal experience at how the solemnity of being isolated while on passage can impact the psyche.  There is something both debilitating and healing about traveling ocean passages – you become aware of both how fragile and immensely strong you are.

When I tried to think of a name for my company, I wanted  something that spoke about who I am, as well as my passion for counseling.  I feel like referencing the ocean achieves both of these ideals.  During my travels, I was humbled as my insecurities and depression took center stage.  And I grew as I dealt with my issues and had to overcome challenges both physical and emotional during these trips.

I believe that life is a journey and the sea is a metaphor for the vastness of opportunity and destruction that we are faced with every day.  We are all alone in our own heads, and yet also supported by resources around us if we take advantage of the opportunities to come our way.  And just like I had to study and practice to become a better sailor, you too can grow and learn to improve your life and make the journey more fulfilling with support that a counselor can supply.  I think the name works, even in landlocked Gresham.